The Youth Bureau currently funds the following youth programs. Please contact them directly for specific information about each program and enrollment requirements.
Dispute Resolution Center (DRC) YARD:
Teens trained in dispute resolution act as peer mediators.
Donna Ramlow - 794-3377
DRC also provides a toll-free family crisis hot-line at: 1-866-567-4612
Fallsburg Youth Recreation Program:
Provides enrichment programs that encourage healthy and safe interactions.
Dr. Sean Wall-Carty - 434-8810
Liberty Police Juvenile Aid Bureau:
Crime and drug prevention, bike safety and stranger danger workshops, and other community-safety outreach.
Officer Lake - 292-4422
Livingston Manor Free Library Manor Ink:
Students write and produce a community newspaper and learn the skills associated with writing, journalism, photography and newspaper production.
Amy Hines - 439-1243
Fearless! Teen dating violence prevention
Promotes healthy relationships through preventive education
MacKenzie Bachar – 562-5365
Nesin Cultural Arts - Musical Theater:
Theater & vocal instruction; youth performances at various community events and locations.
Marina Lombardi – 798-9006
Nesin Cultural Arts - Visual Arts:
Little Actors program for youth in grades 2-5, and Music/Theater program for youth in grades 6-12.
Marina Lombardi – 798-9006
SC Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H:
Club and after-school activities, trips, participation in county fair and regional events and competitions.
Barbara Moran – 292-6180
CASA, Court-Appointed Special Advocates:
Trained volunteers advocate for abused or neglected children in family court, and work with others to ensure children receive all services they need.
Donna Ramlow – 791-3534
SC Head Start-I Am Moving, I Am Learning:
Education for children and families in wellness, nutrition, and physical activities, to offset or reduce obesity and promote healthy lifestyles.
Bertha Williams – 434-4164
Boys and Girls Club:
Supports youth in the areas of education, citizenship / civic engagement and physical and emotional health in a club setting.
Shane Merone – 342-8833
Town of Bethel: Formal summer swim program:
Parks and Recreation - 583-5360
Year-round special events, trips and activities.
Sue Rodriguez- 932-8360
Town of Fallsburg - Learn to swim:
Formal summer swim program
Dr. Sean Wall-Carty - 434-8810
Summer camp with arts and crafts, science and nature, sports, outdoor fun, and trips. Youth Summer basketball program.
Kaitlin Haas - 557-6085
Year-round youth programs, trips and events, youth fitness program, etc.
Donna Consolo - 888-3013
Thursday night lights ski program.
Jill Weyer – 794-2500 x 304
Town of Thompson - Youth Recreation:
Trips and events.
Jill Weyer– 794-2500 x 304
Town of Thompson - Monthly Events:
Structured events throughout the year.
Jill Weyer– 794-2500 x 304
Ice skating, hockey, ice carnival, and field trips.
Diane Babich - 439-5450
Year-round trips, special events and workshops.
Crystal Weston - 252-7146
Formal summer/fall program
Dr. Sean Wall-Carty - 434-8810
Town of Fallsburg - Youth Basketball:
Formal basketball program
Dr. Sean Wall-Carty - 434-8810
Town of Fallsburg - Youth Drama:
Performance based events and trips
Dr. Sean Wall-Carty - 434-8810
Town of Fallsburg - Youth Game Club:
Game club, including those with special needs to foster friendships and relationships.
Dr. Sean Wall-Carty - 434-8810
Formal soccer program
Dr. Sean Wall-Carty - 434-8810
Town of Fallsburg - Youth Yoga:
Formal yoga program
Dr. Sean Wall-Carty - 434-8810
Town of Fallsburg - Pop Warner Cheer:
Formal cheer program
Dr. Sean Wall-Carty - 434-8810
Formal summer swim program
Jill Weyer - 434-8810
Formal winter ski program
Jill Weyer - 434-8810
Skating program
Jill Weyer - 434-8810
Formal year round sports and sporting trips program
Jill Weyer - 434-8810
Town of Thompson - Recreation:
Year round events, special activities and trips program
Jill Weyer - 434-8810
The Center for Discovery- Integrated Arts Events, Etc.
Providing opportunities to learn new skills
Jessica Calabrese - 707-8505
Catskill Fly Fishing Center & Museum
Community Involvement and Education Programs
Bethel Woods Center for the Arts
Play Summer Camp
Community Engagement and Involvement Programs
Christy Conti-Hernandez
Nesin Cultural Arts- El Sistema Influence
Marina Lombardi – 798-9006
Nesin Cultural Arts - Dance and Movement
Marina Lombardi – 798-9006
Nesin Cultural Arts - Body and Mind
Marina Lombardi – 798-9006
Summer Enrichment Camp
Excursions to sporting events.
Justin Diaco - 856-6359
Homestead School - Soccer Goal Equipment Upgrade
New soccer goals.
Justin Diaco - 856-6359
Homestead School - Soccer Field Improvement
Upgrading the soccer field to usable conditions.
Justin Diaco - 856-6359
Sullivan Public - Eldred Afterschool Program
Community art space offering classes
Laura Burrell - 583-2034
Hudson Valley Youth Club - Soccer Training and Tournaments
Offers athletic instruction in competitive soccer.
Scott Goodman - 932-8492